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                The BMP280 is an absolute barometric pressure sensor


                The BMP280 is an absolute barometric pressure sensor, which is especially feasible for mobile applications. Its small dimensions and its low power consumption allow for the implementation in battery-powered devices such as mobile phones, GPS modules or watches. The BMP280 is based on Bosch’s proven piezo-resistive pressure sensor technology featuring high accuracy and linearity as well as long-term stability and high EMC robustness. Numerous device operation options guarantee for highest flexibility. The device is optimized in terms of power consumption, resolution and filter performance.

                Technical data

                ParameterTechnical data
                Operation range
                Pressure: 300...1100 hPa
                Temperature: -40…85°C
                Absolute accuracy
                (950...1050 hPa, 0…+40°C)
                ~ ±1 hPa
                Relative accuracy
                p = 700…900hPa
                (Temp. @ 25°C)
                ± 0.12 hPa (typical)
                equivalent to ±1 m
                Average typical current consumption (1 Hz data rate)
                3.4 μA @ 1 Hz
                Average current consumption (1 Hz data refresh rate)
                2.74 μA, typical
                (ultra-low power mode)
                Average current consumption in sleep mode
                0.1 μA
                Average measurement time
                5.5 msec
                (ultra-low power preset)
                Supply voltage VDDIO
                1.2 ... 3.6 V
                Supply voltage VDD
                1.71 ... 3.6 V
                Resolution of data
                Pressure: 0.01 hPa ( < 10 cm)
                Temperature: 0.01° C
                Temperature coefficient offset
                (+25°…+40°C @900hPa)
                1.5 Pa/K, equiv. to 12.6 cm/K
                I2C and SPI
                Package dimensions
                8-Pin LGA with metal
                2.0 x 2.5 x 0.95 mm3


                navigation,  ROBOT ,  无人机

                型号DataSheetDimension (mm)Description